
Disclaimer Utodas B.V.

The information and recommendations presented on this website (hereinafter the ‘Information’) are made available to you in good faith. This information is considered accurate at the time of publication. However, Utodas B.V. and/or its affiliates (hereinafter Utodas), does not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of this Information. You are fully responsibility for deciding the extent to which you rely on it. In no circumstances can Utodas be held liable for any damages resulting from your reliance on or use of this Information.

Utodas reserves the right to modify or correct the content of the websites without prior notice.

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Unless otherwise stated, the company names, logos, products and brands (® and TM products) mentioned on this website are the property of Utodas. They may not be used without the prior written consent of Utodas. When you visit this website, you may possibly disclose certain items of personal data to us so that we can better respond to your information requests and meet your expectations, and help you to avail yourself of the service offered on this website. This data is stored as confidential information and is intended solely for the use of Utodas and its independent partners and distributors for the purposes of analysis and research.

Utodas and its branch offices expressly reject any liability regarding the content of websites to which visitors may be directed via a link. These links are offered to users of Utodas’ website as a service. The web users themselves are fully responsible for deciding to activate these links.

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