Utodas improves your logistics performance
Knowledge is power. This also applies to bulk goods such as fuels, biomass, chemicals and waste. The telemetry solutions from Utodas let you check the current supply within your customers’ tanks, containers and silos at any time. Using that data, you can create your own optimal transport plans and substantially reduce your logistics costs.
A system is effective when all its parts work well together. That is why Utodas offers a high-quality comprehensive package that comprises of five components: hardware, communication, a dashboard, installation and all-inclusive care/service. This allows you to have access to reliable information for your logistics planning at all times, provided by a reliable partner.
Utodas’ wireless IoT units perform level measurements in tanks, containers or silos at fixed intervals. We provide a customised configuration for each application. Pressure sensors for liquids, ultrasonic sensors for dry and chemical substances. Our systems are also suitable for use within Ex/Atex zones and they comply with Ex certifications. Whether it concerns aboveground or underground locations, fixed installations or roaming equipment that changes location. Do you want to know the exact location of your equipment? With our GPS systems we also show you where your tanks are and have been. Our measurement systems form an international and intricate network.
Utodas uses the best provider in the region concerned for communication with the unit in the field. We work with encrypted files and an optimally secured web server. As a result, you can count on always having up-to-date, safe and reliable stock data. Our systems work at home and abroad, without you having to worry about network coverage. We provide you with reliable data. Worldwide, on land and offshore.
Our web portal acts as a dashboard and can be accessed by PC, tablet and smartphone. You can view your stock levels at any time and also set your own level alerts. You can optimise your driving routes based on the measured levels. The dashboard also provides valuable management information regarding the consumption history per customer and product. The portal supports ERP and VMI systems. Our API [↑] allows you to link data to other systems.
Utodas has its own technical department and employs professionally qualified, certified technicians who know all the ins and outs of our measurement systems. They have the right tools and parts to efficiently and professionally install our measurement systems anywhere in the Benelux and immediately get them running smoothly and efficiently. From the first minute onwards.
Utodas has an eye for detail and for the bigger picture. We monitor the systems daily. This includes reporting and a proactive approach to prevent any failures. As a result you no longer have to do any monitoring yourself: instead you can rely on reliable data about your customers’ current stock levels at all times.